I recently read a story about a daughter asking her dad how much money he made per hour. His reply, "about $60 per hour."
The daughter then proceeded to ask her dad to borrow $40. "Why?" he asked." I only have $20 and want you to spend an hour playing with me."
Reading this, I certainly had a lump in my throat. Dads, how often are you spending time with your kids?
How often are you playing with your daughters, and your sons, on their level?
Do you see the value in investing time with your kids?
Because they certainly value spending time with you.
This would be one of those actions-speak-louder-than-words kind of issues.
Telling our kids that we love them is fantastic. There should be zero doubt from our children of this ironclad fact.
However, spending time with them is one of the ways that we back up our words with actions.
Be a dad of action.
Spend intentional time with your kids.